Cucumber Boston Pickling


This old favorite heirloom cucumber has been around since the 1880s, and is still highly popular.  Vigorous grower with a large yield of green fruit.  Great flavor and consistent size make for great pickles, as well as fresh in salads.

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This old favorite heirloom cucumber has been around since the 1880s, and is still highly popular.  Its vines are vigorous and have a high yield of green fruit.  Great flavor and consistent size make for great pickles, as well as fresh in salads.

Cucumber – Boston Pickling – Cucumis sativus

Soil & Water: Plant cucumbers in hills or mounds with plenty of added organic matter. Sow 6-7 seeds in a hill. Once the seedlings sprout, thin to the 3 best vines.

Planting & Growing: In cool regions, start seeds indoors 10-14 days before the last frost, or sow seeds directly when the soil is at least 70F. Plant seeds 18″ apart if trellised or 36″ apart if left to sprawl.

Harvesting & Storage: Harvest when the fruit is small to medium-sized for best flavor. Keep harvesting fruit, even if misshapen, to keep vines productive.

  • Soil Temperature: 70-95F
  • Planting Depth: 1/2″
  • Germination: 3-10 Days
  • Height At Maturity: 1′-4′
  • Days To Maturity: 55 Days
  • Sun/Shade: Full Sun
  • Spacing After Thinning: 18″-48″
  • Approx Seeds per packet: 25

Product image(s) via: Seeds for Generations

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