Onion Plants

Heirloom Onions curing outside.

Browse our onion starts here! Grow onions of various colors and sizes in your garden. UPDATE: Sorry, we’re currently out of stock! Sign up to our email list (click here) to be notified when we add products.

What Onion to Pick?

Short Day Onions grow in latitudes 25-35.

Short day onions are planted in the southern states, where they mature in 110 days. (They can also be planted further north; harvested onions will just be smaller.) These need 10-12 hours of sunlight/day to bulb.

Intermediate Day Onions grow at latitudes 32-42.

Intermediate day onions are planted in the middle of the US, where they mature in 110 days. They need 12-14 hours of sunlight/day to bulb. These are typically the sweetest onions.

Long Day Onions grow at latitudes 37-47.

Long day onions are planted in the more northern states. They need 14-16 hours of sunlight/day to bulb. These are the best producers of long-term storage onions.

Wondering How to Grow Onions?

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