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It’s critically important that you start re-localizing your food supply NOW to get off the modern food grid.

As we’ve seen over the last year, waiting until the last minute is never a good solution. During an emergency situation, food and water disappear from stores. Transportation delays lead to resupply problems that can last for weeks, even months.

And it’s only becoming more important this year.

The past several months have already brought much hardship, especially for certain regions of the country. We have so many different examples of how weather and other local events can impact the food supply around the country (and even around the world). Every indicator is pointing to more of the same. Food prices are already skyrocketing, with prices and inflation rising as we speak. There is a significant fertilizer shortage also, as well as food shortages and import problems.

So what’s the solution?

Well, households with food storage and local food production always weather the storm far better than those who depend solely upon centralized food supply systems for their survival.

And since it’s springtime, there’s no better season to make re-localization a priority for your pantry this year. It’s an excellent time to get connected with local farmers, plan your own garden, and preserve the bounty for the off-season.

To help, we’re offering resources that will help you source, grow, and preserve your own food this year! 🙂

Books for Building Your Self-Production Skills

Preserve your garden and homestead goodness with this cookbook from a Certified Master Food Preserver! Includes over 150 delicious, homemade recipes.

Increase your harvest and maximize the space you have using organic and natural methods to raise a year’s worth of the fruits and vegetables your family enjoys with Melissa’s step-by-step plans and charts.

Turn your yard into the envy of the neighborhood while adding to your dinner table! Edible landscaping at its most beautiful (and most delicious)…despite your HOA.

Learn how to harvest tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, apples, and even cantaloupes in winter – and come first snow, your kitchen table won’t be left out in the cold!

Get Gardening Aprons

The Roo Apron is the ultimate garden helper. It’s perfect to assist you with holding seed packets at planting time, weeding and cleaning up your garden, harvesting your vegetables, and giving you an extra set of hands to carry extra tools, seed packets, and more! One size fits all. Machine washable.

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More Re-localizing Your Food Supply Resources

Learn how to reduce your dependence on the modern food grid and bring your food supply back home. In this training, you will learn why re-localizing your food supply is essential, how to determine what you should grow yourself vs. source locally, how to build a real food storage system, and so much more.

Struggling to grow all of your own food? Thrive Life food is the next best thing! Thrive Life produces the best in freeze-dried foods to provide your family with a healthy alternative for food storage and convenient access to healthy meals.

Need help learning how to pressure and water bath can? Sharon’s training walks students through everything required to start canning, beginning with preserving veggies, fruits, and tomatoes, to canning meats and meals in jars, to pickling, to making jam/jelly/fruit spreads, and more…without worrying about fear or overwhelm.

There are several online resources for finding local farmers/producers near you! 

We suggest these films and books for learning more about local food!

“Food Inc.” Film

“Fresh” Film

“Farmageddon” Film

“FoodMatters” Film

“The Omnivore’s Dilemma” By Michael Pollan

“Folks, This Ain’t Normal” By Joel Salatin

Learn dehydrating, fermenting, and more too! Traditional Cooking School is the #1 source on the internet for information about making sourdough, culturing dairy products, dehydrating foods, lacto-fermenting foods, pressure cooking meals, cooking without allergens, and so much more! 

The Pioneering Today Academy is a monthly membership that gives you the step-by-step tutorials and community to create a homegrown and from-scratch garden, pantry, and home. 

The Beyond Off Grid Summit delivers online training sessions on important topics to give you the information and knowledge you need to build your own sustainable future.

Plan Your Garden Planting Timeline the Easy Way

Our Garden Planning Calculator is the perfect tool to help you determine exactly which crops you can plant now indoors and outdoors, and when you can set your transplants out in the garden!

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