Seeds for Generations
Don’t miss out on your chance to plant your vegetables and other crops in time to bring in the harvest this fall!

It’s time to start planting your fall garden!

Our Fall Planting Calculator allows you to input your First Average Frost Date and then calculates the following for 40 types of crops:

  • For plants that need to be started as seedlings, then transplanted into the garden, the latest Indoor Start Date
  • For plants that are direct seeded, the latest date to plant them outdoors
  • For seedlings, the latest transplant date
  • Based on the current date, it tells you whether you can still plant this crop or not


“All I can say is WOW. Thank you so much for creating this but more than that, for sharing it with others.”
C. Harris

Here’s a preview of the Fall Planting Calculator (see below for how to access it).

Optimize your garden’s production by ensuring that you plant as many crops

as you can and give them the time needed to mature before fall sets in.


Enter your email to get the Fall Planting Calculator


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