Enjoy Our Garden Planning Calculator

Enter your Last Spring Frost Date in the orange cell using the same formatting, and press Enter. The other dates in the calendar will then update based upon the date you entered.

If you don’t know your Last Spring Frost Date to use, you can look it up here, but realize the best dates to use at your location may vary significantly based upon your microclimate.

Want access to the premium version (includes additional calculations and the ability to download) for free?

Use coupon code NewCustomerGPC on your first seed order of $50+, and the premium calculator will be automatically added to your cart for free!

(This offer is only valid for first-time customers only and may not be combined with other offers. Only applies once per customer.)

If you can’t see the calculator on the page, or it asks for you to log in to Microsoft, please use a different browser to load this page, preferably Firefox or Chrome. (If you’re using ad blocking software, you may need to disable it on this page as well.)

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Here’s a sample of a few of our seed varieties:

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