Lettuce Freckles


Bright green romaine lettuce splattered with burgundy spots.

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This tender and crisp romaine lettuce is tolerant of the heat and resistant to bolting! It was first called in “Forellenschluss” (German for “speckled liked a trout’s back”).

Lettuce – Freckles – Lactuca sativa

Soil & Water: Lettuce likes full sun except in hot summer climates where it prefers some shade, especially in the afternoon. Add plenty of compost to the soil to encourage rapid growth. Water evenly and moderately to prevent bitterness.

Planting & Growing: Start seeds indoors 4 weeks before transplanting outside, or sow seed directly as soon as the soil is workable. Make successive plantings every 10-14 days for a continuous harvest. In mild climates, lettuce can be sown from spring through fall.

Harvesting & Storage: You can begin harvesting outer leaves as soon as they are large enough and continue until a central stalk begins to form which signals the end of the harvest period. You can also harvest the entire plant when it’s mature but still young and crisp.

Soil Temperature: 40-65F
Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2″
Germination: 7-14 Days
Height At Maturity: 6-10″
Days To Maturity: 26 days baby or 55 days mature
Sun/Shade: Full Sun
Spacing After Thinning: 10″
Approx Seeds per Pack: 250 Seeds

Product image(s) via: Seeds for Generations


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